wordpress website development

6 steps to hiring WordPress developers building a fast loading website

User attention spans are shrinking, which means if your website takes anything more than 2 seconds to load, it’s bound to be abandoned. Although WordPress is optimized for performance out-of-the-box, you don’t always get the desired outcome. There are multiple layers of depth to this platform that only an expert can penetrate and comprehend. If you want to optimize your site speed, you need to hire WordPress developers.

Here are a few steps you need to take to boost your website speed:

Step 1: Know your customers:

Before developing a website, you need to understand who your clients are, carry out research on competitors and find out exactly what your customers expect. This will help you devise the appropriate digital ambiance for your customers.

Step 2: Hire WordPress developer

To bring your basic plan to reality, you need the assistance of professional WordPress designers and developers. Your selection should be based on experience, reputation, previous work, technical skill, and pricing. Choose only the best if you want an outcome that’s equally great.

Step 3: Be a part of development

Take an active part in the development and customization of your website, which is something most business owners fail to do. Supervising and directing the hired WordPress developers will steer the project in the right direction.

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Step 4: Tackle site speed issues

Not many understand how important speed is, and ignore this aspect during development. However, you need to set your requirements straight right from the start and ask your development team to focus on addressing technical issues that bring down the site speed. From image optimization to using caching, there are several ways to accomplish an improved speed.

Step 5: Test it out

Before launching your site, it is essential to test it thoroughly to ensure a bug-free website that works across all platforms, clocks considerable site speed and is mobile responsive.

Step 6: The Launch phase:

If it’s an existing website that you’re revamping, make sure your customers are made aware of the newly-customized site. For a new site, ensure that you set the stage for a grand opening.

Follow all these steps precisely, and you’ll have a superior end-product at hand. If you’re looking to hire skilled WordPress developers for your project, you can contact Openwave, a renowned WordPress website design company in Malaysia.